Posts Tagged ‘fun’

Rhea goddess of earth

Rhea goddess of earth

Dark menacing smoke flows from His cigar

obscuring Rhea’s parched face and scars,

and a click, a flip with his flint did He play!

his lighter a muse a distraction for his gaze

shining flashes of white lighting, blinding her bodice

But to no avail,

For He had seen the lust

and the yearning  for relief on her face,

No longer could he control his fury and pain

So Lo ran He did to meet her with passion ablaze

their joining shaking the heavens with noise untamed

Until!  He let forth both the seeds of passion and tears of grief

washing away her pains and satisfying her needs !

And alas as the smoke frizzled away and died

he watched her as his son Apollo drove his chariot by

for the after glow of the resulting frenzy last night

had made her burst forth in spring and evergreen life !

Zeus Greek god of thunder and sky

*photo credits :- God bless google

* Rhea:- Earth (goddess of earth)

*Apollo :- Greek god of sun

*He :- Zeus Greek god of thunder and sky

A little bit of damned Christina a little bit of Mr.Jive

don’t forget Mary Jane she’s been lit alive,

with embers red-hot and sizzling,  crimson rose !

releasing wispy fumes of flashbacks and phantasm woes,

inhaled deep into the dark  recesses of my body and soul

these wisps of silver weaving!  flirting ! with the vain wind of my ego,

Lost became the raiment’s of my consciousness

and naked my thoughts did stroll,

in the fields of  heresy  and illusions galore,

Till impregnated they return with glimpses of the mad hatters shore.

Getting off riding this wave of orgasmic grey

i feel sad to see that utopian world go away.

But it doesn’t matter I assure myself and say

“the candy man will be back and soon again il be,

a joy popping air head, a space cadet on speed”.